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Cunningham Lindsey announces Diego Ascani as Head of inTrust in Australia

01st Feb 2017

Expert in this field

Diego Ascani, has joined Cunningham Lindsey Australia as Chief Operating Officer and Head of InTrust Australia.

Diego brings to Cunningham Lindsey a wealth of knowledge principally in the General Insurance claims sector and more specifically Workers Comp.  He has previously served in several prominent senior leadership positions with his most recent role as CEO – Insurance Services at Xchanging. Diego also has extensive experience in the auditing and change management of claims practices for both government and general insurers from his prior roles including being seconded to the HIH Royal Commission as well as at GAB Robins (SA), Gallagher Bassett, Deloittes and PWC.

Diego is a qualified Solicitor who holds a Bachelor of Commerce, Bachelor of Law and a MBA. He is also an Associate of the Insurance Institute of South Africa and a Graduate of the Australian Institute of Company Directors.

Together with the Asia Pacific inTrust leadership of Johanna Agar in Sydney and Nicki Dunn in Singapore, Diego will be continuing to expand our Third Party Administration services across the region.

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