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UK Floods – Update 3

09th Dec 2015

Expert in this field

Issued at 15:30 on Wednesday 9 December 2015

Current Status

There was a slight slow down in incoming flood claims yesterday, however volumes are still running at over 30% above business as usual levels.

We’re seeing a high proportion of vulnerable customers in Carlisle, Keswick and Cockermouth and we’re taking extra care to ensure that their needs are prioritised at every stage as we progress through their claims.

Today, Phil McNeilage, our CEO, is in Carlisle visiting customers – joining Neil Gibson, Loss Adjusting Services Director, Roy Shevlin, Building Consultancy Services Director and Mark Baird, Client Relationship Director, who have all been in the North West, supporting and advising flood victims since first thing Monday morning.

Access & Communications Issues

All the flood stricken areas are now accessible and any local power issues are almost resolved. With most customers able to gain access to their homes today, any initial restoration efforts are being affected by rain and strong, to gale force winds.

Generally, poor mobile phone reception locally continues to be an issue, but our temporary office accommodation in both Carlisle and Cockermouth is providing excellent communications support for our teams of adjusters on the ground.


The volume of out of hours calls from customers slowed down last night and early into this morning, but continues to run well above business as usual levels.

Claims Centres

Incident managers and support staff at our Claims Centres in Cardiff and Glasgow are working extended hours, and the volumes of incoming claims are currently manageable. We’re working hard to make sure that customers are contacted, if they can be reached, as soon as possible after receiving their claims – when visit appointments can be arranged, as necessary.

Adjuster Field Force

Our full team of specialist property adjusters from around the UK are responding to this event, and we have generated the capacity within the business to complete the majority of initial customer visits by Sunday. We will update you on our progress with this programme over the next few days.

Additional Adjuster Support

We already have a team of over 20 adjusters on standby, who will travel in from Group offices in South Africa, Canada and New Zealand, to provide additional assistance if we should need to expand our UK teams.

Forensic Advisory Services (FAS)

FAS has a team of qualified accountants and valuation specialists in the North West, and will be working closely with flood stricken business customers, providing advice and guidance on their business interruption claims.

WeatherNet Forecast

Rain will be heaviest in the North West this afternoon and through this evening, accompanied by strong winds. Another bout of heavy rain is forecast to hit this area again on Saturday and Sunday. We will continue to monitor this situation carefully over the next few days.

Please contact: Mark Baird on: TEL: 07880 780150 or EMAIL: [email protected]



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