Cunningham Lindsey Responds to the Petya Ransomware Pandemic
28th Jun 2017
Expert in this field

On the afternoon of June 27, 2017 reports of ransomware called Petya have impacted several territories. We are aware that hospitals, airports, banks and infrastructure have been affected in locations from Europe to the Ukraine.
The Cunningham Lindsey global cyber team with centres in Europe, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, US, Canada, South America and Asia are ready to assist.
We have experience in handling ransomware and are fully versed with the issues that a business can face when its data is encrypted (locked). Last month we handled claims as a result of the Wannacry cyber-attack for several clients and organizations. We can provide advice and guidance based on historic experience of dealing with malware and ransomware incidents.
One tip for managing the potential impact. If you have any computers that are infected with Petya and your machine has crashed / powered off. DO NOT POWER UP. Use a LiveCD or external machine to recover files. Our Cyber team has been able to ascertain that as long as you do not go past the CHKDSK message, your files are safe and you can recover them using a LiveCD.
Computers affected by Petya now have the added headache that the author’s email account has now been frozen, meaning that paying a ransom is no longer an option as they can’t provide decryption keys.
Cunningham Lindsey Response
We have the largest global team of cyber experts of any adjusting company in the world, dealing with cyber incidents. Our Technology and Cyber Adjusters are supported by Legal, Forensic ICT and FAS Global, our team of forensic accountants who specialise in the quantification of business interruption and financial losses following cyber events.
Right people, Right place, Right time
Our Technology Group ensures that you get access to the very best of our technical skills, industry specific knowledge and best practices to respond to losses of significant size and complexity. We know that managing cyber incidents requires a combination of the right skill sets within the supporting team to deliver a consistent and effective response.
You can be assured of the highest quality of service with our Technology Group. We have developed a set of standards and selection criteria to achieve this, with every member of the team meeting a minimum set of qualifying criteria.
With the support of our Technology Group, you can have total confidence that your cyber incidents will receive the utmost attention and technical expertise from the right people – no matter where the loss occurs around the world.
Should you require assistance please contact Dr Mark Hawksworth, Global Technology Specialist Practice Group Leader.
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